Sunday, June 08, 2008

On the night I spent on the ER

The bed that is not a bed
became the raft of a sleepless night.
Sheets like napkins that remain cold all the time
scrape my arms with a salty itch...

The neat air filled the space with a taste of sourness.

Blurry white shapes with
impersonal voices and impersonal faces
grab my arm every hour with polite violence:
they just count heartbeats.

There's no pillow to hide me.

Green glazed tiles and the moans of a woman
who suffers from mysterious pains every five seconds
are with me in the hallway;
Looking at the lamp and at the ceiling...

The whitest light I've ever seen.


Hamletmaschine said...

Que duro leer esto, por favor cuídate mucho...

El Panda said...

Se lo que es pasar una noche en hospital... que gran manera de describirlo....